Orizon Aerostructures Employees strive to "Always deliver a quality product on-time", at a competitive price, while meeting customer requirements. We accomplish this through product and process innovation, compliance with AS9100 requirements, active top management support, and the continual improvement of our Quality Management System.

Supplier Quality
The supplier shall implement and maintain a Quality System, which conforms, as a minimum, to the requirements of AS9100, or to the extent imposed by the provisions of applicable drawings, specifications, and purchase orders.
QC2 SQR0002 Advance Supplier Quality Requirements – Vought
QC3 ISO9001/Current Revision Quality Management System
QC4 NADCAP – Current and effective certification required.
QC5 If a supplier does not conform to the requirements of AS9100, and the service provided is only for machining, the following will apply: 1) ORIZON shall provide all raw material, 2) ORIZON shall perform tool prove inspection, first article inspection, and 100% inspection, 3) ORIZON shall be responsible for the special processing of the part, and 4) ORIZON shall not allow any portion of this purchase order to be subcontracted without ORIZON’s documented approval.
ORIZON Aerostructures, their representatives, customer(s) and any regulatory agencies shall have “Right of Access” to the supplier facility and at any level of the supply chain, and quality records for the purpose of audit, surveillance and /or verification of quality of work, documentation or material. The supplier shall insure that this requirement is flowed to their supply chain.
The supplier shall maintain records for review by ORIZON Aerostructures, customer(s)/regulatory agency for minimum of (10) years, records for F-35 traceable parts will be maintained for a minimum of 30 years, and readily retrievable upon request. Records shall include material certification, special processing certifications, work order/traveler, test reports, inspection reports, calibration records and first articles.
Each shipment of material under this purchase order must be accompanied by a certification of conformance that verifies compliance with applicable specifications on, drawing or purchase order for each lot/batch number for traceability. Certification shall be dated and signed by a responsible individual whose signature can be considered binding on your company. Failure to include the certification with your shipment may classify your product as non-conforming resulting in the return of the material at your expense.
In addition to the requirements in QC8, for all F-35 parts identified as (Fracture, Maintenance, Safety, Durability, Mission Abort Critical) the C of C shall include the manufacturing plan revision letter or number.
Supplier shall comply with the most current export control and sanctions laws, regulations, and orders applicable at the time of the export, re-export, transfer, disclosure or provision of Goods, Software, Technology or Services including, without limitation, the (i) Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, 15 C.F.R. parts 730-774; (ii) International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) administered by the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, U.S. Department of State, 22 C.F.R. parts 120-130; (iii) Foreign Assets Control Regulations and associated Executive Orders administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 31 C.F.R. parts 500-598; and (iv) laws and regulations of other countries (collectively, “Export Control Laws”).
On first part (new part) orders, a detailed first article inspection report is required and shall be compliant to AS9102 requirements and produced in Net-Inspect. The report must be furnished with first shipment of the product to ORIZON Aerostructures for verification, unless otherwise specified. The first article report and the part used should be packaged separately (when appropriate), clearly identified, and shipped with production parts on the first delivery of a new product. ORIZON Aerostructures reserves the right to witness the actual inspection or to require spot checks to verify data. The supplier shall notify the applicable ORIZON Aerostructures Purchasing Agent three (3) working days prior to the date on which the parts will be ready for FAI.
First Article reporting shall be accomplished per the QC10 requirements as well as those found in MAA1-10042-2 at current revision level.
Supplier must perform mandatory first piece inspection for each line item article on this purchase order prior to producing the remaining balance of the line item.
ORIZON Aerostructures source inspection must be conducted at the supplier facility prior to shipment. When the PO items are ready for inspection, the supplier shall notify the ORIZON Aerostructures purchasing agent three (3) working days prior to the date on which the parts will be ready for source inspection. All non-conforming material or parts shall be properly segregated from the acceptable material or parts presented for source inspection. Drawings and/or other pertinent data as required by PO must be available to the ORIZON Aerostructures quality representative at the time the product is presented. Acceptance at source does not relieve the supplier from responsibility for the quality of delivered product.
QC13 ORIZON Aerostructures source inspection must be conducted at your facility before process. When the PO items are ready for inspection; the supplier shall notify the ORIZON Aerostructures purchasing agent three (3) working days prior to the date on which the parts will be ready for source inspection. All first article submissions for parts contracted by any Orizon Facility shall be accomplished using Net-Inspect including balloon drawings and certifications unless written authority to waive Net-Inspect is received from Orizon Quality Personnel. Contact your SCM focal for questions and support.
Government source inspection must be conducted at the supplier facility prior to shipment. When the PO items are ready for inspection, the supplier shall notify the government source inspector that normally services their facility three (3) working days prior to the date on which the parts will be ready for source inspection. Orizon should contact the GSI and schedule source inspection as the contract holder.
All special processing required via a government, ASTM, or process specification shall be performed by ORIZON Aerostructures approved suppliers only. Seller of special processes are required to perform processes to the latest revision at the time of processing unless directed otherwise by Orizon purchase order or engineering definition. Certificate of Compliance must contain process specification and revision level including specification departures. It is the responsibility of the supplier to request and to insure the supplier has and understands all required specifications. Should the prime supplier elect to subcontract special processing, the prime must receive written approval from Orizon for the subcontractor selected prior to the processing of the items. All requirements of ORIZON Aerostructures imposed on the prime shall be flowed down to the subcontractor by the prime. Each shipment must include a report/certification that includes the name and address of the processing source as well as a statement verifying that all required process certifications and chemical/physical test reports, directed on the PO, are on file at the supplier’s facility and/or have been provided with the shipment as required. This quality clause applies to (but is not limited to) NDE, NDI, Welding, Heat Treat, X-Ray, Precision Cleaning, Applied finishes, etc. In addition, the supplier must reference the ORIZON Aerostructures PO and part number on their certification.
Heat Treat – Provide a copy of the chart(s)when requested, that confirm that treat time and temperature requirements have been met. . In addition, the supplier must reference the PO and part number on their certification. Supplier must provide evidence of hardness testing in accordance with applicable specifications.
A chemical/Physical test report is required for this Purchase Order. It shall reference chemical composition and/or physical properties, lot/batch number, list the parameters tested, the results obtained. It shall be signed by the Materials Suppliers Authorized Quality Representative and indicate the Representative’s title.
In addition to chemical/physical test reports as stated above, certification for magnetic particle inspection, radiographic inspection, fluorescent penetrate inspection, ultrasonic inspection, pressure test, and grain flow shall be submitted with order as required per noted specifications.
The supplier shall identify each container of material with the date of manufacture and shelf life, type of material, lot or batch number and other pertinent information. Material which does not show at least ¾ (75%) of the indicated shelf life will not be accepted. If a manufacturer/ distributor cannot provide material in compliance with this policy, two requirements are mandatory for acceptance: 1) a pricing concession will be made to ORIZON Aerostructures for the expired shelf life. 2) The supplier must obtain written approval from ORIZON Aerostructures Purchasing and Quality departments prior to shipment of aged materials. ORIZON Aerostructures Material. Quality and Engineering Managers all must approve any exceptions to this clause. Material Safety Data Sheets must be provided.
Product supplied to Orizon Aerostructures shall be in compliance with the Certain Articles Containing Specialty Metals requirements cited in DFARS Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals. All materials used in the manufacturing processes performed by Orizon Aerostructures and its supply base shall be in compliance with the restriction and acquisition of specialty metals cited in DFARS 252.225- (7001, 7007, 7009, 7013, 7016, 7021, 7033, 7048). Orders having a government priority rating shall be identified and scheduled in accordance with the defense priorities and allocations system (DPAS).
Items on this purchase order are designed and classified as one of the following Critical Part Categories. As such, the Supplier is required to control them through the governing design specifications:
Airframe Structure Integrity Plan (ASIP) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Fracture Critical Traceable, Fracture Critical Material Traceable (i.e. traceability required) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Fracture Critical Non-Traceable parts (i.e. traceability not required) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Maintenance Critical Non-Traceable; (i.e. traceability not required) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Maintenance Critical Material Traceable parts per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Mechanical and Electrical/Electronic Subsystem Integrity Plan (MESIP) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Safety Critical Material Traceable or Safety Critical Installation Traceable parts (including installation hardware) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Safety Critical Non-Traceable parts (applicable only to designated tubes and tube assemblies and associated installation brackets in fluid systems plumbing components) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Mission-Abort Critical or Mission-Abort Critical Installation Traceable parts per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Durability Critical parts (Installation Traceable and Non-Traceable) per 2ZZP00006 and 2ZZP00076
Durability Critical (DC) Part. Part control required per S326-00112
Fracture Critical Part (FC) Part. Part control required per S326-00112
Fracture Critical Traceable (FCT) Part. Part control required per S326-00112. Serialization and traceability required per S326-00113.
All reference requirements including specifications and drawings shall be the latest revision in effect at the date of the purchase order. Supplier is not delegated Material Review Board (MRB) Authority. All Non-conforming product must be submitted and disposition by ORIZON Aerostructures Quality prior to shipment to ORIZON Aerostructures, and must be accompanied, if disposition “Acceptable or Rework”, with a rejection report and a copy of the disposition defining the non-conformances. Suppliers are required to notify ORIZON Aerostructures on all known non-conformances, which have already shipped to ORIZON Aerostructures and/or ORIZON Aerostructures customers. Seller shall provide written notification to both Orizon Purchasing and/or Quality within one business day when a nonconformance is determined to exist or is suspect to exist on product shipped or already delivered to Orizon. At a minimum, written notification shall include: Orizon P.O. Number, part number, quantity, ship date, description of defect, and lot number(s). Written notification shall also include root cause and corrective action.
Suppliers are required to notify ORIZON Aerostructures in writing prior to any proposed process, product or supplier changes. Facility locations and ownership changes must also be reported to ORIZON Aerostructures in a timely manner.
The supplier shall use appropriate methods of handling, packaging, and preservation of items to prevent damage of product in process and during delivery. Failure to comply could result in the need for a credit memo to be issued. Maintain a FOD prevention program in accordance with National Aerospace Standard NAS-412.
Any/All processes must be performed by Boeing Approved Sources per D1-4426. Accessing D1-4426 via the web is the only acceptable method to maintain compliance to Boeing requirements. Processing shall be performed to the latest revision as defined in the Product Standards Data System (PSDS). URL: http:www.boeing.com/companyoffices/doingbiz/d14426/
The PSDS accountability pages site can be found at the following URL: http://www.boeing.com/companyoffices/doingbiz/bps/
This clause shall be included in the seller’s subcontracts for work performed under this purchase contract that involves D1-4426 processes. A certificate of conformance and/or equivalent process certificate, signed by an authorized agent of the processor/seller shall be maintained. The certificate shall include contract number, part number(s), Trace number (as applicable), Process specification number w/ revision, applicable Process Specification Departures (PSD’s), processing date(s), and name and address of the processor(s) performing each of the D1-4426 processes. Buyer approval of any processor shall not relieve seller of seller’s requirement to comply with the terms of this contract.
In accordance with Boeing document D6-51991 (latest revision) the following definitions apply:
MLA: Manufacturing License Agreements – Authorizes a US manufacturer to supply
manufacturing knowledge (related to defense) to a foreign party. All foreign recipients must be named as parties to (or as “authorized sub-licensees” under) the agreement.
MA: Manufacturing Agreement- an agreement whereby a US person grants a foreign
person an authorization to manufacture defense articles abroad and which
involves or contemplates:
- The export of technical data or defense articles or the performance of a defense service: or
- The use by the foreign person of technical data or defense articles previously exported by the US person
TAA: Technical Assistance Agreement – An agreement for the performance of a
defense service(s) or the disclosure of technical data, as opposed to an agreement granting a right to manufacture defense articles. Assembly of defense articles is included under this section, provided production rights or manufacturing know-how are not conveyed. Should such rights be transferred, a Manufacturing License Agreement (MLA) is required.
Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems Supplier Quality & Technical Performance approves and maintains the list of approved special processors (ASPL) for NGIS aircraft programs. This list can be sorted by supplier name, process specification, process category, state and country. Please note that NGIS approved processors for the F-35 Program can be located by clicking F-35 under Process Category. This web site also lists the NDT technique approvals, one by processor and the other by part number. In addition, this web site provides a short cut to Boeing and Lockheed web site for F/A-18 and F-35 Programs, respectively for Processor(s) performing each of the D1-4426 Processes. Buyer approval of any processor shall not relieve seller of seller’s requirement to comply with the terms of this contract.
When special processes listed in Vought “Approved Special Processors List” (ASPL) are required by drawing, specification, Purchase Order, or other media, the Supplier shall ensure that the processing source for these requirements, including those performed by the supplier, are listed on the Vought ASPL prior to any processing of hardware. As a prerequisite for Vought ASPL approval, Special Processors require Nadcap/Nucap accreditation.
SQA 2000 (Lycoming’s Supplier Quality Assurance Manual) establishes quality system requirements that apply to Manufactures, Distributors, and Special Processors providing parts/services for ORIZON Owasso and Lycoming Engines. All suppliers must be approved by Lycoming Engines. Suppliers are required to requests the latest revision of SQA 2000 from ORIZON Owasso’s Quality Department.
A list of all processes requiring Cessna Supply Chain Quality approval can be found at the following website: www. supplier.cessna.com/cgi-bin/quality/capability_view.pl. Any suppliers performing work to the specifications at the website above will require approval by Cessna Supply Chain Quality prior to conducting any processing. Requests can be made at the above website to add additional suppliers to Cessna’s approved special processor list. Additions will be made at the discretion of Cessna. However, Cessna reserves the right to rescind approval of special processors at any time at Cessna’s sole discretion. Some special processes require that the supplier obtain additional facility qualifications from Cessna Materials and Process Engineering (M&P). M&P approval requirements are contained within the applicable process specification. Special Processors must have a quality management system that is compliant to (AS/EN/JISQ) 9100 Quality Management Systems – Aerospace – Requirements or accredited to Nadcap AC7004 QMS.
A calibration system in conformance with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 must be maintained that is traceable to NIST and provides identification of calibration status. Adequate process controls, records, and certifications shall also be sufficiently maintained to satisfy purchase order requirements. A “Certificate of Calibration” traceable to each item furnished by ORIZON Aerostructures for calibration is required with your return shipment to ORIZON Aerostructures.
The supplier shall include with each shipment process inspection reports that contains drawing, revision, inspection results for 100% of characteristics identified in the engineering drawing for the entire lot of parts being shipped and serial numbers (where applicable). The inspection report shall list the actual ranges of measured characteristics for that lot of parts only. Inspection records adequate to assure the Quality level of production process shall be maintained by the supplier. Failure to include data with your shipment may classify your product as non-conforming, resulting in the return of the material at your expense.
A material sample must be furnished to ORIZON Aerostructures with the first shipment of the product, unless otherwise specified. The size of the sample shall be determined by ORIZON Aerostructures or the material specification. The sample shall be cut or molded from the same material lot as the product supplied. In addition the supplier must reference the PO, part number, Lot number (if applicable), Serial Number (if applicable) on their certification. If a sample does not pass its material specification tests, the product supplied with the sample shall be considered unacceptable and may be returned to the supplier.
Lockheed Martin approves and maintains the list of approved special processors per (QCS-001 and EMAP). This list can be sorted by supplier name, process specification, process category, state and country. Buyer approval of any processor shall not relieve seller of seller’s requirement to comply with the terms of this contract.
Supplier shall ensure all outgoing Special Processing purchase orders for LMA products contain a statement with the words: “Processing to be accomplished in performance of this purchase order is directly related to a Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company purchase order and must be accomplished in accordance with process specification(s) on this purchase order and Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Appendix QJ”.
The outgoing purchase orders must also include:
A statement that sub-tier Process Source must file and maintain a copy of all purchase orders containing the above statement and make these available for review by the Buyer, upon request.
A statement that sub-tier Process Source must submit a Certificate of Conformance (“C of C”) with a unique certification number in accordance with paragraph F “Certificate of Conformance”.
A statement requiring sub-tier Process Source to identify specification(s), title, specific revision level(s) and drawing(s) requirement(s) to be performed by a QCS-001 source.
Supplier shall ensure the Processing Source prepares a Certificate of Conformance asserting that the items contained with this shipment are in total compliance with the requirements of this PO. A copy of the C of C shall be included in the delivery package, with process specification exceptions (e.g. pre-clean, stress-relief/bake, etch, etc.) annotated on the C of C. The Process Source C of C prepared for each shipment shall include the following data elements/information:
- Title, specification number (including revision letter) and QCS-001 process code of the process,
- Name and address of the process facility,
- Buyer’s assigned processor number,
- Date the C of C was issued,
- Purchase order and purchase order part number,
- Quantity of parts (to include quantity accepted/rejected),
- Signature and title of authorized quality agent of Process Source,
- Fracture durability classification or serialization per customer PO.
SELLER shall comply with latest revision, as of the effective date of this Contract, for all specifications or other document incorporated herein, unless a specific revision number is referenced. If a specific revision number is references SELLER shall comply with the specified revision. The requirements set forth in the databases, specification or other documents herein are incorporated into this Contract by reference.
Note: For F-35 Program, applicable specifications and standard part/hardware drawings are identified in Product Data Management (PDM) database. Seller shall use the latest revision located in the Joint Strike Fighter Data Library (JDL) Released Data Vaults for product build and acceptance.
If Seller does not have access to PDM and/or JDL, Seller shall use the specification and drawing revision provided by Buyer.
Subcontracting of special processes must be done with HACI approved special processors. The supplier shall contact HACI Procurement to confirm approved sources, and contact HACI Quality Assurance for details of the qualification process for new special processors.
The supplier shall have a counterfeit detection process that is similar to, and meets the intent of SAE Standard AS5553, Counterfeit Electronic Parts, Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition.
QC35 100% DIMENSIONAL CHECK (NG I1032.001):
Supplier mandatory 100% inspection of all high-risk consequence material. As a minimum, mandatory 100% dimensional inspection of all characteristics on one part that is manufactured in the same production run is required due to the critical nature of the part on this purchase order line item. The supplier shall use their normal inspection processes on the balance of the lot. Evidence of the above must be available upon request.
All suppliers are required to submit written DPD/MBD procedures and existing O.E.M customer approvals to Orizon for review and acceptance prior to accepting or beginning work on parts designated with DPD/MBD design authority. Suppliers shall meet the requirements set forth in Orizon Procedure (QAP 123) – provided by Orizon.
If required per the engineering/ drawing, Final Product Acceptance for all detail parts must include temper verification per LMA-PC009 and/or applicable engineering requirements. The required range must be listed along with the range of measured values at the appropriate place on each work order and/or, where applicable, be transferred from process certifications.
LMA-PC009 (Excerpt)
When wrought aluminum products are being evaluated, conductivity tests are considered more appropriate than hardness tests except that 6XXX series aluminum alloys shall be verified using both hardness and electrical conductivity testing. Hardness test on finished aluminum parts fabricated from 2XXX and 7XXX series aluminum alloys is acceptable with prior approval from Lockheed M&P. Hardness testing shall comply with requirements in 3.2 and conductivity testing shall comply with requirements in 3.3.
If required per the engineering/ drawing, Final Product Acceptance for all detail parts must include temper verification per applicable engineering requirements. Inspection of temper must be accomplished after the final machining operation on fully tempered material and/or the final heat treatment operation, where applicable. The required range must be listed along with the range of measured values at the appropriate place on each work order and, where applicable, be transferred from process certifications. For clad materials, the type of instrument used to verify compliance must also be listed. Sampling of hardness and conductivity inspections may be allowed for certain alloys or tensile ranges if permitted by the governing customer documents or the corresponding heat treatment specification.
Subcontracting of special processes shall be completed by Cobham approved special processors and adhere to the CRSCM Code of Conduct. The supplier shall assure procurement to confirm approved sources, and contact Cobham Quality Assurance for details of the qualification process for new special processors. All deliverables will be manufactured and produced per customer requirements, customer provided engineering/specifications and purchase orders.
All parts made from extrusions, forgings, plate, and machined and formed parts shall
be viewed without magnification for color uniformity after anodizing. The presence of
dark areas or bands may indicate local strength variations (soft spots). Evaluate the
dark areas for electrical conductivity in accordance with NDTS-1500, LMA-PC009,
5PTPCG09, 5PTPTL19. Parts that pass the conductivity test are acceptable.
Retention of records:
Quality Assurance Records shall be maintained on file at the supplier’s facility and available upon request to customers of Orizon. Supplier shall retain such records for a period of not less than ten (10) years for the date of the final payment under the applicable order for all products with the exception of those Products identified as Flight Safety. Supplier shall retain records related to Flight Safety Products of not less than 40 years.
Inspection Plan:
In accordance with Sikorsky SSQR-01, “Sikorsky Supplier Quality Requirements”, all parts will require an Orizon/Spirit approved Supplier Inspection Plan prior to documenting the part inspection for FAI. Evidence of inspection Plan approval will be a part number revision specific Sikorsky/Spirit approval letter. An Inspection Plan approval letter will be required for each part presented to Source Inspection for FAI.
The approved Inspection Plan will be used to perform and document the results of the First Article Inspection. The Inspection Plan will also be used to perform and document the results of the recurring inspection efforts on all subsequently manufactured parts. It is the intent that most of the Inspection Plan documents become a part of the suppliers approved and controlled manufacturing/inspection plan for the part.
The supplier is required to submit their Inspection Plan documents for approval on each part. The intent is for the Inspection Plan to be submitted well in advance of the actual First Article Inspection. The completed Inspection Plan Documentation (excluding actual measured data) shall be submitted to Orizon/Spirit as soon as available, but not later than thirty (30) days prior to scheduled delivery (unless an alternate timeline has been coordinated with Orizon/Spirit). Initial Inspection Plan submittals or changes shall be coordinated through the Suppliers Orizon Supply Chain procurement agent, respecting a secure file transfer process.
NOTE: Required Inspection Plan documentation and format is clearly defined within Sikorsky Aircrafts SSQR-01, “Sikorsky Supplier Quality Requirements”.
Aviation Unique Requirements:
Supplier shall immediately notify Orizon upon receipt of any GIDEP Alert related to goods. Supplier shall provide Orizon a list of all effected goods by Purchase Order, Part Number, Invoice Number, Serial Number and any other identifying number as applicable. Supplier shall immediately replace the effected goods at its sole expense including any installation and removal costs for suppliers supplies so affected goods still under warranty. If Orizon receives GIDEP Alert for goods, Orizon shall immediately notify supplier and supplier shall proceed with its obligations as stated herein.
Spirit and Sikorsky Approved Process Sources:
Suppliers of products will utilize processes and processors approved by Sikorsky.
Special processes are identified by a “Q” code in Sikorsky specification (SS) 7777 M&P Index. When Sikorsky drawings required special processes, the supplier will assure that all special processes are performed by sources that are included or approved for inclusion, in the “Approved Source List of Special Processes and Laboratories” which can be found at www.Sikorsky.com, supplier resources, supplier portal or by contacting your Orizon Quality. All special process sources used shall be approved for the process at the time parts are processed
Certifications: All Documentation must show clear traceability and exchange at each sale for each specific lot of material. This includes but not limited to material and hardware.
Original Certifications:
For all process conducted by Sikorsky approved sources, original certifications shall be maintained at the supplier’s facility. In the event of loss, duplicate originals are an accepted alternative, as long are they are physically endorsed by the Sikorsky approved source.
In accordance with Sikorsky Aircraft SSQR-01, these original certifications are required to be presented at each source inspection event for review and proper management of acceptance of all product quantities associated with the certification.
First Article Inspection:
The approved inspection plan (ICL) shall he maintained and coordinated through Spirit/Orizon for all part revisions and new parts. Any changes to the inspection plan by supplier will require customer approval prior to completing FAI. Changes include but are not limited to: method of inspection, planning changes or production method changes. All supporting documents shall be provided with FAI reports. Supporting documents shall consist of but are not limited to, material certs, process certs, bubbled drawings, acceptance reports, acceptance test reports, production planning and or any other documentation related to the FAI product being inspected. Delta FAI’s shall have applicable supporting documentation as necessary. All FAI reports and supporting documents must be uploaded on Net-Inspect.
Acceptance of Detail Parts:
Final product acceptance for all detail parts must include 100% inspection of temper (Conductivity 100% and Rockwell Hardness (high and low conductivity readings) for aluminum alloys and CRES alloys. Sampling of hardness inspections may be allowed for certain alloys or tensile ranges if permitted by the governing customer documents or the corresponding heat treatment specification.
Standard Hardware:
All standard hardware must be compliant to Sikorsky Form SS9998 (Standard Parts Index). Any standards hardware that is not compliant with Sikorsky Form SS9998 must be approved in writing by Spirit/Orizon. Any questions, including if you need a copy of the applicable version of Sikorsky Form SS9998, should be directed to Orizon Quality contact.
Control of records:
Records shall be retained for the operational service life of the aircraft plus 10 years (unless earlier disposal is authorized by the Purchaser). No records shall be destroyed without written approval from the Purchaser. The Supplier shall establish and maintain a configuration management system in order to ensure that all delivered products are according to the ordered and agreed configuration.
Quality Plans:
The Supplier shall establish, implement, and maintain a Quality Plan reflecting
as a minimum:
- Quality objectives for the product
- Methods and processes needed for fulfillment of the requirements in the
- Required verification, validation, monitoring, measuring, inspection and test
- Records needed to provide evidence that the requirements are met
- Configuration management.
The depth of the Quality Plan shall depend on the work to be carried out. The Quality Plan shall be kept updated and be available to the Purchaser. The format and content of the Quality Plan could follow the guidelines as detailed in EN ISO 10005.
Purchasing process:
The Supplier shall be responsible for the conformity of all products purchased from Subcontractors, including products from sources defined by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall have a process for authorization, control and management of its Subcontractors. Approved Subcontractors shall be documented and registered (ASL). Subcontractors’ performance shall periodically be reviewed. The results of these reviews shall be used as a basis for establishing the levels of controls to be implemented.
The Supplier shall perform First Article Inspection (FAI) in accordance with EN9102. The Purchaser reserves the right to review and approve the FAI.
Special Processes:
The Supplier shall comply with the requirements stated in the latest issue of D1-4426 Approved Process Sources, which is found at http://www.boeingsuppliers.com/quality.html#/process.
When production processes cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and testing of the product or the process require pre-qualification of the process capability, the following requirements shall apply:
- The special processes to be implemented shall be identified
- The Supplier shall verify that all aspects of special process (e.g. material, personnel, procedure and software) produce repeatable results
- The Supplier shall maintain a list of special processes
- Special processes shall be qualified prior to using or sub-contracting the process
- During the production phase, any change to those operations and parameters shall be subject to change proposal. This proposal shall be accompanied by justification defining the advantage of the change and justification that is has no adverse effect on the output of the process. If the Supplier utilizes special processes according to requirements defined by the Purchaser the processes shall be qualified and approved by the Purchaser. The Purchaser will also periodically review the processes.
Identification and traceability:
The Supplier shall identify and mark the products in accordance with Purchaser requirements as detailed in the Purchase Order, technical documents and drawings. As required in the Contract, the Supplier shall establish and maintain a configuration management system in order to ensure traceability of the material and the product during the production process.
Customer property:
Materials and Supplies provided by the Purchaser shall be used only in fulfilment of the Contract for which they were supplied. All jigs and tools provided by the Purchaser shall be inspected by the Supplier prior to use. Any deviations from specifications shall be reported to the Purchaser.
In accordance with Contract requirements the Supplier shall establish and maintain procedures to assure safe storage and periodically recertify jigs and tools provided by the Purchaser.
Release Documentation:
The Supplier shall with each delivery submit a Certificate of Conformity to the Purchaser. The Certificate shall identify the product and shall, include:
- description, part number, quantity, serial/batch number for all parts delivered
(parts, assemblies, sub-assemblies, etc.)
- reference to the Purchase Order and Packing List
- any information that identifies particular data or limitations such as
deviations reports/waivers/concessions, shortages, outstanding work, etc
- Airworthiness/Qualification status
- statement that the product conforms to all requirements on the Purchase
- information of life limited parts
- shelf-life data
- any additional information required by the materiel specification.
Note: For Purchase Orders to Distributors the following amendment shall apply. A copy of the manufacturer’s certificate/test report shall be enclosed. If, in exceptional cases, the manufacturer’s certificate/test report cannot be made available these circumstances have to be approved by Purchaser.
Control of monitoring and measuring devices:
The Supplier shall establish and maintain a process for controlling and managing monitoring and measuring devices. The Supplier shall maintain a register of monitoring and measuring devices.
This shall also be applied for equipment supplied by the Purchaser.
Control of nonconforming product:
Nonconforming products
The Supplier shall establish and maintain an effective system for controlling nonconforming products. This shall include the documentation of all nonconformities, the segregation of all nonconformities from the production operation, and the appropriate material review board and disposition.
Urgent Reporting of Safety Issues
The Supplier shall promptly report any condition or observation regarding its delivered Products that is considered to adversely affect flight safety, airworthiness, safety of personnel, and/or product reliability in connection with the products intended use.
Purchaser request for Corrective Actions
A Corrective Action Request will be issued by the Purchaser whenever serious concerns are raised regarding the conformity of products or conformity to contractual requirements. Unless an earlier response is requested, Suppliers receiving a formal request from the Purchaser must respond to the request within fifteen (15) calendar days of the receipt. The response must state the corrective actions implemented (or planned) and date of introduction. If the final corrective actions cannot be determined within fifteen (15) calendar days, an interim response shall be submitted detailing current status of the corrective action investigations.
Nonconforming Supplies Received at the Purchaser’s Facilities
Non-conforming supplies received by the Purchaser without Purchaser’s authorization will be subject to rejection and disposition in accordance with procedures of the Purchaser. To facilitate receiving at the Purchaser or other designated destinations, any approved major Concession/Production Permit,
shall be stated on the Certificate of Conformity.
Faults Reporting and Investigation (Delivered Items)
For each rejected item (including on site repairs) the Supplier will receive an External Service Order. The requirement for investigations will be clearly indicated in the External Service Order and/or corresponding Repair Order if the Item(s) are to be returned to the Supplier for repair. If an investigation is required, the Supplier shall provide a report to the Purchaser detailing the results of the investigation and corrective actions, duly signed by the Supplier’s Quality Assurance authorized representative. Where indicated, the format of the report shall comply with the Purchaser’s requirements. The report shall be made available within 28 days of receipt of the rejected item. However, should the investigation be protracted an interim report will be acceptable, but in any case, the final report shall be available to the Purchaser within 90 days
In addition to engineering requirements this part must comply with Triumph Aerostructures LLC Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions and subsequent specified documents. Requirements may be accessed at https://www.triumphsupplysource.com/suppliers under [Supplier Provisions], [Triumph Company Terms and Conditions], then select the appropriate Triumph LLC. Company. Specific areas of attention are as noted.
Supplier Quality Assurance Requirements (SQAR)
Part Marking Requirement
Shipping and Documentation Requirements
SQR 003 Nonconformance handling
SQR009 Quality Acceptance Sampling
SQR010 Supplier Hardness Conductivity testing
SQR011 Supplier Quality Requirements FAI
SCMP 4.1 Preferred Performer Program
Net Inspect Training
Supplier Quality Assurance Manual (SQAM001)
Special Process Requirements
Inspection Sampling
Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Submittal Requirements
Manufacturing Plan Submittals For Critical Parts
Key Characteristics
Drawings Specifications and Quality Requirements
QC44 Amazon
Inspection Requirements:
Supplier shall adhere to the inspection requirements listed in QSD-016‐Supplier Inspection Requirements.
Sub-Tier Supplier:
Supplier shall flow down all relevant quality requirements imposed by to any Sub-tier Supplier(s) processing Amazon materials. The Supplier shall not subcontract work on any article or process source controlled in the applicable Agreement, Amazon Drawings without written approval. The requirement to use an Amazon approved and/or mandated Sub-tier Supplier does not alleviate the Supplier of the responsibility of monitoring that Sub-tier Supplier and providing conforming product.
Use of Distributors
All Distributors of metals, electronic components, and hardware in the supply chain must be approved by Amazon. Supplier shall request and obtain approval prior to procuring metals, electronics, and hardware from a Distributor.
Distributors supplying components under the terms of a contractual agreement with the OCM/OEM are considered an approved source by Amazon.
When sourcing an Amazon designed part through distribution and the source is not designated on the drawing; the Distributor shall ensure the product is procured from an Amazon approved source.
One-Way Traceability:
Supplier shall ensure that all products or articles shipped have one-way (backward) traceability. The Supplier shall be able to trace backward from the final end part delivery to all items used to produce the delivered part. The items include, but are not limited, to raw materials, mechanical machined parts, electrical and electronic parts, assemblies, subassemblies, special processes and acceptance tests.
Supplier shall have a written detailed description of their system which complies with these traceability requirements and shall be available for review by Orizon and its customer.
Supplier’s system shall provide for one-way (backward) traceability for all parts used in the production of the delivered part.
Supplier shall ensure that all parts consumed as part of the final part delivery can be traced to the lot received by the Supplier at its facility.
Supplier system shall provide means of correlation between the data derived from the testing, inspection and processing of the parts.
The requirements for traceability shall also be applied to parts that are repaired, modified or reworked by the Supplier. Each serialized part or subassembly shall be traceable backward, by circuity symbol or serial number.
Traceability records shall be retained by the period specified by the Purchaser’s retention record and made available to Orizon and its customer when requested.
Products losing their traceability shall be treated as non-conforming items.
Supplier shall ensure that items procured from Distributors, including COTS parts, have one-way (backward) traceability for the lot received from the OEM by the Supplier.
The Supplier shall apply these One-Way Traceability requirements to any Sub-tier Supplier and incorporate Sub-tier Suppliers as part of the Supplier’s system.
Certificate of Conformance:
Supplier shall include with each shipment a legible copy of the Material Test Report. The report shall include the following information:
- Name and address of the manufacturer.
- Part number and the ordering and procurement specification, including revision levels that controlled the manufacture of the goods.
- Manufacturer’s production order/lot number.
- A copy of the Raw Material Certificate from the original manufacturer.
- Raw material data:
- Material specification.
- Alloy class, type, or grade.
- Raw material heat lot, lot, or melt number.
- Name of raw material producer.
- Chemical analysis report.
- Mechanical test report as defined by the applicable specification (i.e., tensile and/or single/double shear strength, fatigue testing).
- Metallurgical examination report as defined by the applicable specification (e.g., microstructure and/or macrostructure).
- NDT test results: dye penetrate or magnetic particle results, when required by applicable specification.
- Dimensional inspection results.
If Supplier is not the manufacturer, Supplier’s name and Amazon Agreement /Amazon Purchase Order (PO) number must be referenced on the manufacturer’s certificate. Any other Distributors, which have had control of the parts, must be included.
Supplier’s QA department shall be responsible for ensuring that items per the applicable Amazon Agreement are packaged in such a manner that the dimensional integrity is preserved, contamination and corrosion are prevented, and physical damage to the threads is avoided during shipment.
Supplier shall include with each shipment certifications to demonstrate that all required processing (i.e. forming, heat treating, thermal cycling, conversion, etc.) has occurred and the results meet all specification and testing requirements listed on the Amazon Drawing. No unauthorized processes (i.e. re-melt) shall be allowed.
Part Marking and Serialization:
Supplier shall mark each part/assembly with the part number and a unique serial number in accordance with the Amazon Drawing and SAE AS478. Marking must be placed in a location that will not affect the function or serviceability of the product.
Serialization code must easily distinguish location of origin/manufacture facility and be sequentially numbered.
Where serialization is not required / feasible, Supplier shall mark each part/assembly with the part number and production lot/batch in accordance with the Amazon Drawing and SAE AS478. Marking must be placed in a location that will not affect the function or serviceability of the product.
Packaging and Shipping:
Supplier shall comply with Kuiper’s packaging requirement when defined in the Kuiper Amazon drawing, or as required in the applicable Agreement MPA/purchase order.
Vendor-specified packaging that does not meet any of the below criteria must be submitted to Kuiper for approval in writing.
- Packaging must comply with any local legal requirements of occupational and environmental health and safety
- Packaging material shall be sufficiently robust to withstand shipment by land, air, sea, etc. as well as across international borders, and arrive on time without damage
- Packaging materials shall be visibly dry and free of localized corrosion, deformations, dirt, oils, greases, and other environmental contamination
- Volatile corrosion inhibitors shall not be used
- The packaging materials and shipment configuration shall minimize FOD generation. When foam or other FOD generating packaging materials are used, bagging or similar protections shall be implemented to maintain product cleanliness
- Products containing liquids shall be packaged in a watertight plastic bag
- Antistatic polyethylene (pink poly, purple poly, etc.) packaging shall not be used for ESD-sensitive hardware
- The shipment configuration shall mitigate exposure to any environmental factors
- Only similar packaging (e.g., pallet cages, corrugated boxes, wooden boxes) and load units with identical size shall be stacked; if there are different weights, the heavier load units must be at the bottom
- For ESD susceptible items, supplier shall comply with ANSI/ESD S20.20 packaging requirements
Supplier shall promptly notify Orizon of any failure to deliver the specified quantity of products/components to meet the Delivery Date specified in the Agreement. All orders must be shipped in the quantity specified in the Agreement unless otherwise approved in advance.
Each delivery of a product or service to must include a packing list which contains at least the following information:
- The PO Number;
- The Supplier part number;
- The batch number;
- The number of items shipped;
- The date that the packing list was printed;
- Sufficient information to comply with applicable national, state, local and foreign laws and regulations;
- SDS (Safety Data Sheet) whenever applicable; and
- Product specific testing results, whenever applicable.
Each individual part delivered must be labeled with at least the following information:
- The Supplier part number;
- The batch number and/or serial number
If requested, all shipping parts must be bar coded in accordance with jointly agreed upon specifications.
The Supplier shall complete and include at a minimum the Certificate of Conformance (CofC) as noted in this quality clause.
When a Deviation or Waiver has been granted, Supplier shall document the approved Deviation/Waiver on the CofC and attach the approval for with each shipment as applicable.
The Supplier shall have a packaging and shipment management system in
place to prevent damage due to FOD.
Limited Operation Life Items:
Supplier shall collect and maintain records of operating time or cycles for all items designated as limited operating life items by Amazon Drawings or specifications. Records must include the total lapsed time or cycle for each operation. Cumulative time or cycles starting with the first functional test, and remaining time or cycles. A copy of this data must be included with each shipment traceable to the individual item by part number and serial number in accordance with CoC and One-Way Traceability requirements.
Supplier shall require, as part of its operator certification program, all persons performing visual evaluations of Amazon product have successfully completed an annual eye examination. Eye evaluations must verify both visual acuity and color perception. If correction is required to meet the visual acuity standard, such correction must be used by the individual when performing visual evaluations.
Manufacturing Control Plans:
Procedures for controlling manufacturing processes to ensure that each product and article conforms to its approved design. Manufacturing control plans must be developed in accordance with the latest AS9103 Variation Management of Key Characteristics and/or AS9145 Advanced Planning
Quality Planning or as defined by the applicable Agreement. Supplier shall have procedures for ensuring all manufacturing processes (including special processes) have been identified and are accounted for in the manufacturing process. Supplier shall ensure work instructions, and revisions to work instructions, are reviewed, approved, controlled, documented, and made available to those persons who require them.
If specific mechanical, dimensional and performance test results are requested or called out on any applicable documents provided, Supplier is required to submit this documentation with each shipment.
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP):
Suppliers of parts deemed critical by Amazon shall comply with the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) requirements defined in AS9145. Through PPAP, Supplier shall provide the evidence that all Amazon engineering design and specification requirements are properly understood and the manufacturing process has the potential to produce parts consistently meeting Amazon requirements at production volumes.
Compliance requires risk identification, prioritization and mitigation through FMEA. Parts subject to FMEA as part of this risk prioritization and mitigation process will be required to provide objective evidence of all PPAP requirements defined in AS9145 prior to the first production shipment.
QC44.1 Amazon Electromechanical Requirements
Supplier shall review PPAP documentation for revision as part of its change management process. These parts have been designated as Electromechanical and as such have the following requirements applied to them:
- Supplier of electrical, electronic and electromechanical (EEE) parts shall plan, implement, and control processes to prevent and mitigate the use of counterfeit parts, supplier and all members of their supply chain, including Distributors, shall comply with the requirements of AS5553C and AS6081.
- Supplier shall verify and test EEE parts used in Amazon products and assemblies to the criteria defined in AS6462C and in accordance with AS6171A test methods.
- Distributors supplying EEE parts to Amazon or Amazon suppliers shall prevent and control the use of counterfeit parts in accordance with AS6081 and AS6301.
- Supplier shall notify Amazon with the pertinent facts if Supplier becomes aware or suspects that it has procured or furnished suspected counterfeit/counterfeit parts. When requested by Amazon, Supplier shall provide OCM/OEM documentation that authenticates traceability of the affected items to the applicable OCM/OEM.
- Supplier shall submit an inspection and test data package demonstrating compliance to all requirements on the Amazon Drawing or Amazon Agreement for the lot of parts being shipped to Amazon. Package must include Sub-er Supplier data where parts are specified by Amazon or
impact the requirements defined in the Amazon Drawing or Amazon Agreement.
- Supplier shall provide variable data for all measured characteristics and attribute data when there is no measured value or when required by the specification. This may include:
o Drawing notes that require inspection or test data
o Dimensions
o Material, Process, and Hardware requirements
- For COTS or military standard parts, Supplier’s or Sub-tier Supplier’s standard test data will satisfy the requirements. The data package must include the following minimum information:
o iv. Supplier’s name, Sub-tier Suppliers, or manufacturer’s name, if different than Supplier
o v. Amazon PO number and revision number
o vi. Amazon part number and revision
o vii. Test/inspection results, conditions, and parameters
o Attribute results shall indicate whether data falls within the tolerance (Pass/Fail)
- Variable results shall record the exact measurement obtained for each measured design characteristic for the part
o viii. Computer test instruction package, as applicable
o ix. Quantity of items in lot and quantity of items tested/inspected, including sampling plan level (AQL%), where applicable
o x. Serial numbers or lot/batch number
o xi. Amazon-approved waivers/deviations
o xii. Date of test/inspection
o xiii. Authorized agent’s name and position, or acceptance stamp, and date (electronic signature is acceptable) Supplier shall electronically provide a copy of the data package with each
shipment. Supplier shall maintain a copy of the data package in accordance with the documentation retention clause (QC-010).
- For limited shelf-life items, Supplier shall provide information regarding the recommended storage conditions, shelf life, expiration dates, date of manufacturing or working / pot life requirements. This information should be located on either the container and shipping documents.
- Supplier shall have an ESD protection program in compliance with ANSI/ESD S20.20 when receiving parts that are ESD sensitive. Parts sensitive to voltages less than 100 volts require additional controls beyond those specified in ANSI/ESD S20.20 (i.e., double bagging). Parts must be properly packaged and identified as required in ANSI/ESD S20.20.
- Supplier shall place all goods in conductive or static-dissipative packages, tubes, carriers, conductive bags, etc., for shipment. The packaging must be clearly labeled to indicate that it contains electrostatic sensitive goods. Electrical parts that may be used or shipped in conjunction with ESD sensitive parts shall be treat as ESD sensitive. Supplier shall not use any Antistatic polyethylene (pink poly, purple poly,etc.) for packaging.